I've been really enjoying what I'm reading in Thin Within. I still haven't "caught up" on the reading (I'm on like Day Five or something like that in the book), but I'll get caught up eventually. Interestingly, almost all of the Observation and Correction activities I find I'm already preempting, so they are unnecessary. I take that as a good thing. I'm really feeling good about being in so many different settings and still adhering to the TW principles without any struggle, and without even much purposed thought involved (meaning that I'm finding it comes very naturally without a lot of effort).
It's almost amusing to realize that even though the dinner I made tonight was pretty doggone epic (if I do say so myself) and a month ago I might have just "naturally" dove in and overeaten, I now find the thought of overeating rather distasteful and even foreign. I take that as yet another good sign.
I have caught myself seeing something and reaching for it, only to remember that I'm not hungry, so it doesn't go in my mouth. That happened this morning with the homemade chocolate chip cookies Rosie and I made last night and sealed in a bowl on the counter. I saw them this morning and almost ate one, then realized my tummy hadn't growled yet. I put 4 small cookies in a sealed container in my purse and headed off to church. My tummy finally growled right after church (about 11:30am), so I pulled the cookies out. I ate one and gave away the other three. My tummy was happy until we got to Nana & Papa's for dinner. I ate tiny portions there, and felt awesome afterward.
One thing of note: I paid particular attention at both of the main meals today to eat slowly and savor the meal, conversing with everyone at the table during the meal and stretching it out to near the time frame it took everyone else to eat their meals. It worked out really well and felt very natural. I can tell it won't take me long to make that a habit so that it comes as naturally as sporadically overeating was before--with much healthier results.
- 1 chocolate chip cookie
- 1/2 granola bar
- 1-cup meal (chicken & yellow rice, peas, 1/4 yeast roll)
- 1-cup meal (small fried chicken tender, mashed potatoes/gravy, steamed baby carrots)
- Brisk-walked for 30 minutes
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