The moments are coming a little more often now, the ones where I feel like I might be finding a groove with this intuitive eating thing. Been back at it for a week now, and it feels pretty good.
The temptation to overeat (meaning eat more than half a cup of food at a time) really only comes when I ignore hunger signals and go longer than I should without eating anything. Even then, once I eat five or six bites, my brain kicks in and says to stop. I'm doing a decent job of listening, but I know to watch out for the signs and heed them so I'm not in that spot too often.
I've been thinking a lot lately about my personal philosophy, as it were, regarding this whole intuitive eating according to God's design thing. What I've discovered and had confirmed over and over is that I don't believe any food is to be deemed sinful while other foods are deemed righteous.
Fried foods are not in the doghouse.
Sweets are not out the window.
Candy is fine when I'm really craving it.
Everything in moderation.
Everything God created is good, and while I understand that different preparation methods may produce different results (obviously, or why bother?), if it's all eaten in moderation, there is no issue.
I find that when I am truly able to intuit what my body is asking for, very often it will ask for steamed veggies, or sauteed lean meat. So I pay attention to it, whatever "it" might be. That way, when I am truly craving chocolate, I know there's a reason for it and I eat chocolate.
It's all good. It really is.
I'm not going to call anything He made unholy. I'm just going to eat within sensible limits attuned to what my body is asking for, and leave the rest up to Him.
I can trust Him with this.
I have had this same idea.. give your body what it craves. Its harder now with me being a diabetic, but I still love my veggies so much. Having a garden really really helps. Having a fresh produce stand near is also a HUGE help. I love tomato sandwiches. but my body turns a lot of it into sugar really fast. Its the hard exercise.I don't like to exercise.. so I fool myself into play.. gardening, swimming, and try to keep things in check. Helps to have a sister in christ also working for good health too. Talking with you is good. Thanks