Monday, November 15, 2010

37: Moving Along

Steve and I enjoyed our evening walk. Matt is at Jeff's and Rosie was at dance, so it was just the two of us.

I haven't read any more since Saturday, so I'll try to read some tonight when I go to bed (which will be soon, since I am pretty tired and I'm teaching tomorrow morning).

Intuitive eating is going well. I had half of a quesadilla for lunch, then half of a chicken sandwich for supper, and I even managed to only snag a couple of mushrooms and a bite of steak from the Texas Roadhouse leftovers Laura brought us tonight. That will be a terrific lunch for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Been following your progress - you're doing well Lisa, good for you!!!!! So exciting when you see the results of all the hard work that is put in!
